With more young people attending university every year, demand for student accommodation has continued to increase, and we have collaborated on a number of student accommodation schemes over the last few years. Student accommodation is a key part of the university experience, and today’s students see quality amenities, affordability, and easy links to campus and city life as essentials.

Alma Court on Military Road, Canterbury is a new 196-bed student accommodation complexin Canterbury city centre, with a number of fantastic amenities including a public courtyard for leisure activities.

We supplied and installed all external works, including Section 278 works, to the property. Our extensive works package involved excavating the courtyard to formation level and installing surface water linear drainage and comms ducting. After forming the base, we paved the courtyard area and installed steps and street furniture.

Our highway works along Military Road, Notley Street and Alma Place involved the installation of new kerbing, associated resurfacing, road marking and footpath paving.